Archive for March, 2009

WORMS, Intestinal Worms in Children and its Homoeopathic Management

By Dr Anmol Arora ( Sr Homoeopathic Physician )

Worms and other intestinal parasites which infest human beings are found in all countries of the world. However, they are more common in tropical and subtropical areas and are widely prevalent during the rainy seasons.

 Intestinal Worms in Children

Intestinal Worms in Children

Children are more infested with these worms than adults. There are several types of intestinal worms. The most common of these are roundworms, pinworms, threadworms, hookworms, tapeworms and giardia.
Signs & Symptoms of Intestinal Worms (more…)

Cardiac Diseases in Children

Risk Factors

  • Most of the risk factors that affect children can be controlled early in life, lowering the risk of heart disease later in life.
  • Other risk factors are usually passed down through family members (they are hereditary) or they are the result of another illness or disease. These risk factors usually can be controlled. (more…)

Importance of Preclinical subjects for teaching MM

The  integration of anatomy , physiology , biochemistry  with materia medica, homeopathic philosophy and case taking  provides a stable spring board for the study of pathology and disease at a later date.
The importance of knowledge of preclinical subjects  is that students will be able to learn to incorporate the language of the patient, both verbal and postural into the understanding of their disease process and understand why a particular organ or body system is in disharmony.
 If we  combine this with a sound understanding of preclinical subjects we will lead to a very effective approach of  healing.

Homoeopathy-Holistic Approach

Homeopathic practitioners have a Holistic approach for  healing the human body  does not mean that studying anatomy ,physiology, biochemistry and pathology is unnecessary.
Indeed quite the opposite is true as the holistic approach to healing requires a deep understanding of the interactions of the organs of the human body . In addition it is essential that homeopaths can communicate with the medical profession when necessary as well as their patients who may have had conventional treatment before consulting a homeopathic practitioner.

Dr Hahnemann

Our first prover (inventor & father of homoeopathy) Dr. Samual Hahnemann was a qualified doctor (M.D.). He had complete knowledge of all the subjects of medical science & definitely he had a wide knowledge of Anatomy. So he mentioned his keen observation in Materia Medica Pura in which he frequently used anatomical terms or the name of the specific structure of the body. This is the fact that each and every remedy indicates special part of organs of the body for their action

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Community Medicine

Dr Hahnemann vision for PSM

Hahnemann was a visionary. He did not limit the scope of his vision to understanding and treating disease; he went further and envisioned a greater role, a greater responsibility for the physician. This extension of his vision is evident in the fourth aphorism.