MIGRAINE By Dr Anmol Arora ( Sr Homoeopathic Specialist )



It is a condition which is characterized by severe headache usually in one or both sides of the head. Migraine which occurs in episodes is usually accompanied by nausea, hypersensitivity to light and noise.

The word Migraine is French in origin comes from Greek word hemicrania which means one half of the head. Women are affected three times more often than men. This has been related to the hormonal changes occurring in females during their lifetime.


An attack of migraine can be divided into four parts:

  1. Prodrome : This includes symptoms experienced by patients hours or days before an attack of headache. These symptoms include irritability, depression, tiredness, yawning, constipation, stiffness of neck etc.
  2. Aura : This includes symptoms experienced just before an attack of migraine headache. They appear gradually over 5 to 20 minutes and generally last less than 60 minutes. The symptoms include foggy vision , colored vision, bright lines in front of eyes, sensation of pins or numbness on body , vertigo, loss of smelling power, nausea/vomiting and photobhobia are some symptoms experienced by differnet patients.
  3. Pain phase : Usually the headache is in one half of the head. It increases gradually and lasts from 4 to 72 hours. However the intensity, duration and frequency of pain vary from person to person. The headache can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, vertigo, pallor of face, loss of appetite, sensitivity to smells, noise and light etc.
  4. Postdrome : These are the symptoms occurring after an attack of migraine. These include mood changes, depression, tiredness, lethargicness, loss of appetite etc

However the stages and symptoms vary from patient to patient. All the patients don’t exhibhit all four phases and symptoms present in each patient vary and are individual to him. Approximately one-fifth of migraine sufferers experience aura, the warning associated with migraine, prior to the headache pain while others don’t experience it.


A trigger is any stimulus that initiates an episode of migraine. A migraine episode can be precipitated by exposure or withdrawal of these triggers. These triggers are personal and vary from one migraine patient to another.

  • Emotions and stress: Emotional disturbances like grief, anger, stressful life, mental over exertion etc can precipitate an attack.
  • Alcohol : Intake of alcohol and in some patients withdrawal of alcohol might trigger an attack
  • Environmental factors (e.g., weather, altitude, time zone changes)
  • Foods that contain caffeine (e.g., coffee, chocolate), monosodium glutamate (found in Chinese food), and, processed foods like hot dogs are known to be triggers in certain individuals.
  • Glare or light aggravates headaches in some.
  • Hormonal changes in women: Many women complain of headaches either before or during menstrual periods while others have during pregnancy or menopause.
  • Hunger
  • Lack of sleep
  • Certain Medications
  • Perfume and other strong odors


This includes avoidance of any known triggers. Alcohol, caffeine containing food products and processed foods should be avoided. A healthy lifestyle like proper sleeping pattern, regular exercise and regular meals should be maintained.


Homeopathy aims to cure the disease and not just palliate the symptoms like pain. Homeopathy is a science which is based on law of individuals which means various people suffering from same disease present themselves with different individual symptoms and need different approach of treatment. Similarly in cases of headache the patients present with varying symptoms e.g. different triggering factors, varying severity and character of pain , presence or absence of one or another symptom like nausea, vomiting photophobia, photophonia etc distinguish one patient from another. Further the temperament, general symptoms and emotional causes differentiate one patient from another and help to find a correct Homeopathic medicine.

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