By Dr Anmol Arora ( Sr Homoeopathic Specialist )

heat stroke

heat stroke

What is heat stroke?

Heat stroke is a form of hyperthermia, an abnormally elevated body temperature with accompanying physical and neurological symptoms. Unlike heat cramps and heat exhaustion, two forms of hyperthermia that are less severe, heat stroke is a true medical emergency that can be fatal if not properly and promptly treated.
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By Dr Anmol Arora ( Sr Homoeopathic Physician )

sun burn

sun burn

Sunburn results from too much sun or sun-equivalent exposure. Almost everyone has been sunburned or will become sunburned at some time. Anyone who visits a beach, goes fishing, works in the yard, or simply is out in the sun can get sunburn. Improper tanning bed use is also a source of sunburn. Although seldom fatal (sun poisoning), sunburn can be disabling and cause quite a bit of discomfort.
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WORMS, Intestinal Worms in Children and its Homoeopathic Management

By Dr Anmol Arora ( Sr Homoeopathic Physician )

Worms and other intestinal parasites which infest human beings are found in all countries of the world. However, they are more common in tropical and subtropical areas and are widely prevalent during the rainy seasons.

 Intestinal Worms in Children

Intestinal Worms in Children

Children are more infested with these worms than adults. There are several types of intestinal worms. The most common of these are roundworms, pinworms, threadworms, hookworms, tapeworms and giardia.
Signs & Symptoms of Intestinal Worms Read the rest of this entry »

Cardiac Diseases in Children

Risk Factors

  • Most of the risk factors that affect children can be controlled early in life, lowering the risk of heart disease later in life.
  • Other risk factors are usually passed down through family members (they are hereditary) or they are the result of another illness or disease. These risk factors usually can be controlled. Read the rest of this entry »

Importance of Preclinical subjects for teaching MM

The  integration of anatomy , physiology , biochemistry  with materia medica, homeopathic philosophy and case taking  provides a stable spring board for the study of pathology and disease at a later date.
The importance of knowledge of preclinical subjects  is that students will be able to learn to incorporate the language of the patient, both verbal and postural into the understanding of their disease process and understand why a particular organ or body system is in disharmony.
 If we  combine this with a sound understanding of preclinical subjects we will lead to a very effective approach of  healing.

Homoeopathy-Holistic Approach

Homeopathic practitioners have a Holistic approach for  healing the human body  does not mean that studying anatomy ,physiology, biochemistry and pathology is unnecessary.
Indeed quite the opposite is true as the holistic approach to healing requires a deep understanding of the interactions of the organs of the human body . In addition it is essential that homeopaths can communicate with the medical profession when necessary as well as their patients who may have had conventional treatment before consulting a homeopathic practitioner.

Dr Hahnemann

Our first prover (inventor & father of homoeopathy) Dr. Samual Hahnemann was a qualified doctor (M.D.). He had complete knowledge of all the subjects of medical science & definitely he had a wide knowledge of Anatomy. So he mentioned his keen observation in Materia Medica Pura in which he frequently used anatomical terms or the name of the specific structure of the body. This is the fact that each and every remedy indicates special part of organs of the body for their action

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Community Medicine

Dr Hahnemann vision for PSM

Hahnemann was a visionary. He did not limit the scope of his vision to understanding and treating disease; he went further and envisioned a greater role, a greater responsibility for the physician. This extension of his vision is evident in the fourth aphorism.
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Milia – An Unwanted Eruption

By Dr Anmol Arora ( Sr Homoeopathic Specialist )

What’s with those annoying little white heads that just never seem to come to the surface and go away? What is that thick, white stuff that comes out when you finally get so frustrated you pick and poke and finally pop the bump? Milia can be the bane of your existence, particularly when they continue to form despite your best efforts at keeping your skin “clean”. Unfortunately, cleanliness isn’t problem. The skin’s ability to naturally exfoliate is.

Milia are deep seeded white bumps that form when skin cells become trapped rather than exfoliate naturally. The trapped cells become walled off into tiny cysts that appear like white beads below the surface of the skin. Milia can occur on the skin or even on mucous membranes such as the inner surface of the cheek or the vermillion border of the lips.

As the surface is worn away, the tiny cyst may resolve on its own. Far too often, though, intervention to remove the cyst may offer more rapid resolution.

Milia – An Unwanted Eruption

Milia – An Unwanted Eruption

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Hirsutism-By Dr Anmol Arora( Sr Homoeopathic Specialist )

Hirsutism is defined as excessive and unwanted facial and/or body (say in the neck, chest and lower abdomen) hair in a male-like formulation. Estimates suggest that it affects between 5% and 15% of women, varying according to characteristics. At least 5% of women of reproductive age suffer from this ailment.



It is a common issue causing significant social and psychological distress mainly among women, but modern diagnosis and treatment can surely take care of the problem.

Hair development biology

Our hair follicles first form in the fetal stage. The amount is approximately 5 million (20% of which is in the scalp) is genetically predetermined. To understand hirsutism better one needs to know the three hair types in humans and their life cycle. Read the rest of this entry »

A Glass of Pineapple Juice a Day keep Joints and Heart Problem Away

By Dr Anmol Arora ( Sr Homoeopathic specialist )

pineapple juice

pineapple juice

Pineapple is one of those foods that is heaven to eat. A good, juicy ripe pineapple can satisfy a sweet craving as well as any chocolate bar. In addition to being a delicious food, there are many health benefits of pineapple.
Raw pineapple juice contains almost all vitamins and minerals essential for the digestive system. It stimulates the kidney, relieves intestinal disorders and has diuretic properties.
Raw pineapple juice is also claimed to be an effective remedy for intestinal worms.
Furthermore, pineapple juice reduces excess water buildups and helps to maintain a healthy water balance in the body. As a result, a certain percentage of your weight can decrease. Read the rest of this entry »

Homoeopathic wonders in Ophthalmology

Homoeopathic wonders in Ophthalmology



By Dr Anmol Arora ( Sr Homoeopathic Specialist )

The range of eye conditions that are treated by Homoeopathy is so wide that i would be impossible to condense it in one paper and in the time available. Bearing it mind the practice of individualisation, i would also not be possible to pinpoint specific, single remedies for different pathological conditions I will try to highlight those conditions where either a specific remedy has been repeatedly found useful, or those when allopathic therapeutics does not have much to offer and you may profitably try these medicines in your work. Even though the scope offered by Homoeopathy is wide, being a drug based therapeutic system it excludes the vary large number of surgical conditions. I may add here, that some of the so called surgical conditions are amendable to medical treatment by the Homoeopaths, and they may add some pre-operative and post­operative medication from their field to augment the success of the operation when this is necessary.

Some of the conditions treated successfully by Homoeopathy are

Blocked Lacrymal Duct & Dacrocystitis The remedy most used for this is Silica. Obviously, success is possible only if it is either inflammation or a partial stricture. A congeni­tal absence or an absolute organic closure would of course, need surgery. Read the rest of this entry »